On 29 February, 2008 Highclere International Investors Limited, London, United Kingdom, gave notice, pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 of the WpHG, that on 27 February, 2008 its voting interest in Silicon Sensor International AG, Berlin, Deutschland exceeded the threshold of 3 % and amounts to 3.86 % (150,544 voting rights in relation to the total of 3,896,150) on this day.
All voting rights are attributable to Highclere International Investors Limited in accordance with sec. 22 para. 1 Sent. 1 No. 6 of the WpHG.
Voting rights are attributed to Highclere International Investors Limited by The Highclere International Investors Smaller Companies Fund and The Highclere (Jersey) International Smaller Companies Fund.
Furthermore on 29 February, 2008 Highclere International Investors Smaller Companies Fund, Westport, USA, gave notice, pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 of the WpHG, that on 27 February, 2008 its voting interest in Silicon Sensor International AG, Berlin, Deutschland, exceeded the threshold of 3 % and amounts to 3.77 % (147,053 voting rights in relation to the total of 3,896,150) on this day.
Silicon Sensor International AG
The Executive Board
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