Annual general meeting
The Annual General Meeting of First Sensor AG takes place on April 24, 2025.

Annual general meeting 2025

The Annual General Meeting of First Sensor AG takes place on April 24, 2025.

Convocation and agenda
  • Convocation and agenda (PDF)
  • SRD II: Table 3 A-F (PDF) (in German only)

Information on the agenda

Agenda item 1

  • Approved consolidated financial statements as of September 30, 2024 (2024 financial year), the management report of First Sensor AG and the Group for the 2024 financial year (including the explanatory report of the Management Board in accordance with section 176(1) sentence 1 AktG on takeover disclosures in accordance with section 289a, section 315a of the Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB – German Commercial Code), including the corporate governance statement in accordance with sections 289f and 315d HGB, and the explanatory report of the Management Board on the main features of the internal control and risk management system for the accounting process in accordance with section 289(4), section 315(4) HGB) and the report by the Supervisory Board for the 2024 financial year (PDF)
  • Adopted annual financial statement of First Sensor AG as of September 30, 2024 (PDF ) (in German only) (PDF) (in German only)
  • Explanation on agenda item 1 without a resolution (PDF)
Agenda item 5
  • CV Stephan Itter (PDF)
  • CV Aline Sellien (PDF)
  • Competence Profile of the Supervisory Board 2025 (PDF)
Agenda item 6
  • Remuneration Report for the financial year 2024 (PDF)
Agenda item 7
  • Remuneration system for the members of the Management Board (PDF)
Agenda item 8
  • Remuneration system for the members of the Supervisory Board (PDF)
Articles of association and information on shareholders’ rights
  • Articles of association of First Sensor AG (PDF)
  • Explanations on shareholders’ rights (PDF) (in German only)
Total number of shares and voting rights
  • Total number of shares and voting rights (PDF)
Power of attorney forms
  • Proxy to the company proxies (PDF)
  • Revocation of power of attorney (PDF)
  • No countermotions
Voting Results
  • Voting Results after AGM 

First Sensor is one of the world's leading suppliers in the field of sensor systems and part of TE Connectivity. In the growth market of sensor systems, First Sensor develops and produces customer-specific solutions for the ever-increasing number of applications in the industrial, medical, and mobility target markets. Our goal here is to identify, meet and solve the challenges of the future with our innovative sensor solutions early on.
Investor Relations
Our investor relations activities aim at raising the international publicity of First Sensor AG and at consolidating and extending the perception of our share as an attractive growth stock. This means we keep our online communication transparent, comprehensive and continuous in order to enhance your trust in our share.
Tailored Solutions
In the growth market of sensor systems, First Sensor develops and produces customer-specific sensors, electronics, modules and complex systems for the ever-increasing number of applications in the industrial, medical, and mobility target markets. As a solution provider the company offers complete development services from a first draft and proof of concept up to the development of prototypes and finally serial production. First Sensor offers comprehensive development expertise, state-of-the-art packaging technologies and production capacities in clean rooms from ISO class 8 to 5.
Innovation, excellence, proximity – these are our values, our ambition, our drive. Anything less is not an option. Our sensor solutions stand for technical innovation and economic growth. As such, they form the basis for the development and application of new technologies in almost all areas of life. We aim to shape this future together with you.

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