Applications that require the highest level of reliability and longevity place high demands on the manufacturing quality of the electronic components used.
Our knowledge of mechanical, electrical and thermal test methods as well as the analytical methods used to characterize material systems and to analyze errors (e. g. chemical, X-ray, ionic and ultrasound examinations) are requirements for an optimal selection of materials and assembly procedures for your customer-specific solution.
To ensure a consistently high quality of the manufactured assemblies, the test and quality criteria for the product qualification and the production process are defined in advance for production and are mapped in defined test procedures. The tests carried out directly to the production are based on the current MIL, ESCC / ECSS as well as DO and IPC standards and can be specifically adapted to your customer-specific requirements. This enables a direct in-house qualification of the manufactured assemblies for highly reliable applications in the aerospace industry. Since 2015, performance semiconductors for space applications can be built and offered as part of a DLR-certified assembly and test house.
Applied test standards and quality standardsIn a few steps quickly and conveniently to the right product.
Please search by complete product numbers, e.g. CTE7005GY4 or 501430. In order to increase the number of search results, please search by part of the product number only, e.g. CTE7.