of the year
- Q1
- Q2
- Q3
- Q4
First Quarter
Series Production of "Blue Next" Camera Range Starts
An international tier-1 supplier uses our cameras to replace traditional rear-view mirrors. They help to prevent accidents caused by blind spots.
moreSeries Production of "Blue Next" Camera Range Starts
- The cameras are being developed and produced at First Sensor Mobility GmbH in Dresden. Volume production of the first camera solution started here for an international tier-1 supplier. The supply agreement for the key customer initially covers the period up to 2022.
- "We expect an enquiry of 10-20,000 systems by 2019 alone," explains Wilhelm Prinz von Hessen, our Vice President of Mobility. The "Blue Next" cameras replace traditional rear-view mirrors and help to prevent accidents caused by the blind spot. Being more aerodynamic, they also contribute to lower consumption costs.
- The industrialized camera generation supplements batch production of the predecessor "Blue Eagle" model and the analog "Red Hawk" series. Its features include a large selection of digital interfaces for simple and flexible integration into vehicle electrical systems and driver assistance systems.
Low Pressure Chip Expands Pressure Sensor Portfolio
The cost efficient sensor chip will broaden the 10 millibar to 100 millibar sector.
moreLow Pressure Chip Expands Pressure Sensor Portfolio
- With the development of a low pressure chip, we are pushing the implementation of a new generation of pressure sensors in accordance with our technology and product roadmap.
- The cost efficient sensor chip will expand the standard pressure portfolio of First Sensor in the 10 millibar to 100 millibar sector. It will also strengthen our position as a supplier of high precision standard pressure sensors and customer-specific sensor solutions.
- First Sensor covers a vast product portfolio from low pressure to high pressure sensors. Our low pressure sensors are put to use, among other things, in medical devices for artificial respiration and dialysis. The technology and product roadmap also includes an update of the H-family and further development of senseEdge technology.
New Technology for Advanced Gas Measurement Patented
The innovative measuring principle allows for much faster and lower-energy measurement than before.
moreNew Technology for Advanced Gas Measurement Patented
- In order to capture the growing market for gas sensor technology, we have applied for a patent for a new type of gas property sensor system which allows for much faster and lower-energy measurement than before. The overall market is expected to grow from USD 812.3 million in 2016 to USD 1297.6 million by 2023.
- The innovative measurement principle has been developed at our Canadian site in Montreal. Using technology based on active flow generation, four different gas properties can be determined at the same time and the composition of gas mixtures can therefore be detected on a continuous basis.
- The new sensor system can be used in industrial applications such as smart gas meters, or in a medical context for monitoring anesthetic gases. Potential customers can test out an evaluation kit with gas property sensors, flow sensors, and pressure sensors. There are also plans for the expansion of a PC app and for data analysis on the sensor.
Second Quarter
Setting the Course for Further Growth in Medical Technology
First Sensor confirms the quality of its production network and expands the capacities.
moreSetting the Course for Further Growth in Medical Technology
- Medical technology is subject to the highest quality standards because it saves lives every day. A renewed ISO 13485:2012 certification testifies to the performance of the First Sensor production network with the current increased demand for highly sensitive and reliable pressure sensors.
- "For example, a Swiss medical technology manufacturer has doubled its demand for high-precision pressure sensors for ventilator systems, meaning that we expect a sales increase of more than a million with this customer alone in 2018. We now have the task of adapting our capacity in line with the increased unit volumes in order to cover the requirements of this and other customers. The certification is an important step in this context," says our CEO Dr. Dirk Rothweiler.
- The ISO 13485:2012 certification confirms the introduction and use of a comprehensive management system for the design and manufacture of medical products at our German production sites in Berlin-Weißensee and Puchheim as well as the Canadian site in Montreal.
Strengthened Collaboration With Canadian Technology Leader
First Sensor is taking over the production of image sensor boards for a new camera series.
moreStrengthened Collaboration With Canadian Technology Leader
- We are taking over the production of image sensor boards for a new camera series of a Canadian technology leader in the field of machine vision. "Today, almost every household display, from mobile screens to TVs, is inspected by products from our customer to ensure an optimal visual experience for consumers", explains our CEO Dr. Dirk Rothweiler.
- The agreement, which will initially run until May 2019, has an anticipated sales volume of around EUR 2 million. It supplements an already existing order for the packaging of image sensors for camera boards.
- Our collaboration with the customer has been ongoing for 15 years. One of the key factors for the expansion is the technological expertise of Dresdner First Sensor Microelectronic Packaging GmbH in the processing of optical sensors and in the assembly of large and long chips.
Series Production of Multi Sensor System for Smart Air Conditioning Starts
The system will detect the condition of filters imbedded in the monitoring system of an international HVAC specialist.
moreSeries Production of Multi Sensor System for Smart Air Conditioning Starts
- Series production of a LMI multi sensor system for an international air conditioning technology specialist starts at our packaging site in Berlin-Weißensee. The HVAC developer has announced that they will acquire a four-digit number of the customized solution annually.
- We have taken on the design of the circuit board, installation and connection technology as well as quality control for the customer. From the development work originated a system with four flow sensors, electronics and customized casing.
- In the future, the system will detect the condition of ventilation filters imbedded in the monitoring system of our customer. Intelligent air conditioning systems use this information to provide fresh air in buildings and to keep power consumption at a minimum.
Third Quarter
Automotive Certification Verifies Excellence in Production
The IATF-certification is applied throughout the whole automotive supply chain and confirms the quality of our production processes.
moreAutomotive Certification Verifies Excellence in Production
- With the IATF 16949 certification for the automotive industry, our two subsidiaries in Dresden and our location in Berlin-Oberschöneweide confirm the quality of the First Sensor production network and form the basis for making visions of autonomous driving and green mobility a reality.
- "With our APDs for the LiDAR technology, our cameras for driver assistance systems and our pressure sensors for energy-saving vehicles, we have a highly attractive range of products for the automotive industry. With the IATF 16949 certification, we have now laid the foundation for growth with current and new customers through these products and solutions," says our CEO Dr. Dirk Rothweiler.
- The IATF certificate, which is valid for three years, is used across the entire automotive industry supply chain. The goal of the IATF standard is to constantly improve quality in the management system and achieve stable and efficient quality in processes in order to increase customer satisfaction.
Expanded Collaboration With Chinese Company
"The aim is to achieve total annual sales of several million euro per year in the medium term," explains CEO Dr. Dirk Rothweiler.
moreExpanded Collaboration With Chinese Company
- We have signed an extension to our contract with a leading Chinese process automation company for the development and production of customer-specific pressure sensor components. "The aim is to achieve total annual sales of several million euro per year in the medium term," explains our CEO Dr. Dirk Rothweiler.
- The order supplements a supply agreement for standard sensors that has been in place since 2012. Our customer uses the pressure sensor components of the K-series in high-precision pressure transmitters. The supply of standard sensors with double-digit growth rates has created a demand for a solution that enables even better stability and measuring quality.
- Over the last four years, First Sensor has achieved average sales growth of around 9% in Asia. Thus, China is the largest sales market. The most important application fields are industrial process control and length measurement.
Polyphotonics Expertise Enhances Packaging Technology
First Sensor has succeeded in combining electronic and optical functions with a new poly-transceiver.
morePolyphotonics Expertise Enhances Packaging Technology
- First Sensor is expanding its packaging expertise along the strategic technology and product roadmap, and adding polyphotonics technology to our microelectronic structural design and connection technology. Proof-of-Concept is an innovative poly-transceiver for 5G broadband expansion.
- As an expert in advanced electronics, we are combining optical and electronic functions with the transceiver for the first time. This connection increases the module's performance advantages and generates clear cost advantages compared with current manufacturing procedures.
- We have been working on developing the module together with different partners since 2016 and will take over production following series maturity from 2020 onwards. With the proof-of concept, we now have our eyes firmly set on further sensor applications for the innovative polymer-chip technology.
Fourth Quarter
Increased Production Capacity for H Series
First Sensor is responding to growing demand for the pressure sensors by increasing production capacity.
moreIncreased Production Capacity for H Series
- Demand for our powerful pressure sensors for medical and industrial applications is so high that we are increasing the production capacities for the standard sensors from the H-series. Weekly output will rise by 70% compared to last year by the end of 2018.
- Measures at the Berlin-Weißensee location include optimization of batch sizes and product mix. In addition, new systems have been installed and a new shift model introduced. Furthermore, additional calibration capacity has been built up at our location in Puchheim, near Munich, thus ensuring greater flexibility in the production network.
- Our H series pressure sensors measure ultra-low pressures of dry, non-corrosive gases in various applications. Besides the DACH region - its largest sales market - demand for the H series is growing in Asia and North America above all. First Sensor will therefore further increase output in 2019.
Next Step Towards Sensor Data Fusion
Up to six cameras as well as further sensors can be combined with a new Embedded Electronic Control Unit.
moreNext Step Towards Sensor Data Fusion
- First Sensor is moving sensor data fusion forward with the introduction of a scalable hardware and software platform for driver assistance systems. The sensor manufacturer is already using samples to promote the Embedded Electronic Control Unit (ECU) to various companies.
- “With the control unit, we are expanding our capabilities in the future-oriented field of partially and fully autonomous driving and offering OEMs an attractively priced solution for integrating different types of sensors and software applications,” explains our CEO Dr. Dirk Rothweiler.
- The ECU is being developed and produced at First Sensor Mobility GmbH in Dresden. Up to six cameras as well as further sensors such as LiDAR, radar or ultrasound can be combined with the platform. In addition, various software applications have already been implemented, which customers can augment with their own applications.
LiDAR Expert From Israel Relies on First Sensor
Technological precision and performance strength in the customized APDs impressed the company.
moreLiDAR Expert From Israel Relies on First Sensor
- The Israeli system manufacturer is making use of our customer-specific avalanche photodiodes (APDs) in a novel solid-state LiDAR system designed for use with autonomous vehicles. We were able to make the optical sensors available within a few months.
- First Sensor is currently providing different companies with samples of a new generation of APD and is preparing for the LiDAR systems to enter series production. "Our task is to get volume production started as quickly as possible with an accelerated cost roadmap," says our CEO Dr. Dirk Rothweiler.
- The technological precision and performance strength of our APDs is also confirmed in the recently published “Global APD Avalanche Photodiode Market 2018” report. This marks the second time First Sensor has been ranked the top APD manufacturer in this publication.
To our
Dr. Dirk Rothweiler
Dr. Mathias Gollwitzer
Dear shareholders and business partners,
What changes are we seeing in the business world in which our company operates? What innovations will be shaping the future? These are the questions that drive us every single day. And the answers? Our sensors and sensor solutions—the products that have enabled us to grow from a Berlin-based technology startup into one of the leading global sensor companies. Our success is based on pioneering ideas, a commitment to excellence and close collaboration with our customers. Thanks to our expertise in chip design and production as well as microelectronic layout and connection technology, we today develop and produce customized and standard sensor solutions in the fields of photonics, pressure and advanced electronics for the growing number of applications in our target markets Industrial, Medical and Mobility. And this is something we have done with sustained success.
With sales of €155.1 million, we ended the fiscal year within the guidance and achieved 5.2% more growth than the previous year. This growth was driven by the target markets Industrial and Medical as well as the sales regions of North America and Asia, where sales grew considerably. We want to—and will—continue this growth in 2019, too. After all, sensor technology is and will always be an innovation driver, and our products are the essential building blocks for the megatrends of digitalization and connectivity.
In Industry 4.0, for example, our solutions are essential for controlling interactions with robots or initiating maintenance measures before a problem occurs. In the world of medical technology, they help to improve diagnostics and support personalized care thanks to mobile e-health devices. And in the automotive industry, they are needed for green mobility—low consumption and low emissions—and for helping us to move into the age of autonomous vehicles. This is why volatile geopolitical developments and the impact of new standards and legislation, which are reflected in the sales in the target market of Mobility, represent only a snapshot of the current situation and why we can expect further growth here in 2019.
To achieve growth in all three target markets, we do not want to depend solely on a subsistence strategy and on market experts, who also expect economic growth and increasing demand for sensor technology in the coming years. Instead, we want to intensify our key account management to promote ongoing and comprehensive dialog with our key customers, invest in a new generation of our key products, upgrade our production facilities and expand both our production capacity and international presence. This will help us to further increase our market share in the DACH region and Europe as well as in Asia and North America. Our focus here will be on our key growth drivers: pressure, LiDAR and camera technology.
We will be continuously enhancing our L-series, H-series, transmitters and sensEdge products, which cover the measurement range from 1 millibar to 1,000 bar, and further expanding our production capacities—both internally and in collaboration with external partners.
To ensure that we play just as active a role in the introduction of advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicles as we do in the increased use of industrial robotics, we are continuously enhancing and refining our avalanche photodiodes for LiDAR applications and are working on scalable LiDAR structures. We are expecting a sustained increase in the demand for such products, a position shared by industry experts and the recently published Global APD Report and one that is supported by the ever-increasing demand in the market.
We are also looking to significantly increase our camera sales over the course of this year. We laid the foundations for this back in early 2018 when our Blue Next camera entered series production. In addition, as part of our strategic target of forward integration, the end of last year saw the market launch of our embedded electronic control unit (ECU), a scalable hardware and software platform for sensor fusion in driver assistance systems. But we do not want to deploy our camera knowhow exclusively in the target market Mobility—instead, we have already started tapping into new, highly specific application fields for our camera solutions in the smart home segment.
Across all target markets, key customers, key products, sales regions and growth drivers, and provided that the geopolitical and economic situation remains stable, we are expecting sales of between €160 million and €170 million in this fiscal year. Over the medium term, we are aiming to achieve year-on-year growth of 10%. We will also be looking to improve our profitability.
After our EBIT margin has for a long time been significantly less than 5%, the measures we have introduced to improve operational excellence and our clear focus on generating and leveraging economies of scale are starting to bear fruit: With an EBIT margin of 6.7% in 2016 and 7.2% in 2017, we ended the last fiscal year on 7.9%, which corresponds to an EBIT of €12.2 million—or a 16% increase compared with the previous year. This means that we are within our guidance here, too. We are looking to further increase our profitability and, based on our sales guidance, are striving for an EBIT margin of 8.5% to 9.5% for fiscal year 2019. By 2020, we want to have an EBIT margin of 10%.
To achieve these targets, we need our team to stay every bit as committed as it always has done, every single day. We need a team to keep on working together on solutions for everyday challenges. A team to look beyond the horizon and to shape our future. I would like to thank every single one of our 972 employees for their service, their creativity and their passion and for their commitment to achieving profitable growth, even if this involves overcoming hurdles along the way.
Equally, I would like to thank our shareholders, who are also sharing in our success along this path of profitable growth. We are looking forward to embarking on the next stage together with you.
Your Executive Board

We are First Sensor
How is our world changing? What kind of innovations will be part of the course of tomorrow? These are the questions that drive our growth. Founded as a technology start-up, today First Sensor AG is a global specialist in sensor technology. Our success is the result of pioneering ideas, commitment to excellence, and close relationships with our customers. With our know-how in semiconductor production and microelectronic packaging, we develop standard sensors and sensor solutions in the areas of photonics, pressure, and advanced electronics.
Our Strategy for Profitable Growth
In the growth market of sensor technology, First Sensor develops and produces standard sensors and customer-specific solutions for the ever-increasing number of applications in the industrial, medical, and mobility target markets. Implemented in 2017, our strategy for profitable growth has a clear focus on volumes and economies of scale by focusing on these three target markets, key customers and key products, forward integration, and our sales regions DACH, Europe, North America, and Asia. With this approach we will increase the Group’s growth and profitability in the coming years. In the medium term, we are aiming to grow by 10 percent per year and expect a consistent EBIT margin of 10 percent by 2020.
Target Markets
Target Markets
In the industrial sector our sensors are at the heart of smart factories
with a positive impact on quality, economy, and safety.
Growth potentials are emerging through pressure applications for process
control, HVAC in smart buildings, condition monitoring, and predictive
maintenance as well as through applications of industrial LiDAR, e.g.
for light grids or autonomous machines.
In the area of medical technology our customers have relied on the
precision and durability of our products for more than 25 years.
We have a hand in state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treatment devices
that save lives. The trend is towards ever more intelligent solutions
that are contributing to the rise of mobile devices and e-health
applications in the course of advancing miniaturization of medical
A new age of mobility has already begun. More and more vehicles are
powered by green, connected, and driverless technology.
Our sensor solutions are already helping to usher in a new era of green
mobility with low-consumption and low-emission drives. They are also
being used in advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous
vehicles, 54 million of which should be on our roads by as early as
Key Customers & Products
Key Customers & Products
Key customers currently account for 70 percent of our sales. These are major customers with high unit quantities. We develop customer-specific solutions for them and then supply these over a long period of time. This means that the relatively high cost of acquiring customers and development work is seen alongside a sustainable supply relationship with attractive “Economies of Scale”. This results in trusting partnerships, with which new projects can be started with significantly less expense. We use targeted key account management to identify and acquire new key customers.
Developing solutions for small customers or customers with low unit quantities is often not efficient. Based on our platform strategy, we offer them high-end standard sensors, which also, even in harsh environments, convince with their precision. With these key products we achieve high volumes through the distribution to many customers. Nevertheless it is possible to make modifications to standard sensors, which is an important feature that distinguishes us from the competition. In the medium term, we are launching new product groups and we are expanding our business with key customers on this basis.
Forward Integration
Forward Integration
The third pillar of our strategy for profitable growth is the forward integration along the value chain in the fields of photonics, pressure technology, and advanced electronics. It is driven by the growing need for integrated solutions. As a solution provider with many years of experience, extensive technological expertise, and the ability to supply the chip to components and sensors to the sensor system, we create added value and also execute further steps for our customers. Therefore, we are further developing our core competencies of chip design and packaging technology. We are also expanding our expertise in other process technologies, as well as software and sensor communication, in order to not only offer simple sensors, but also complex multi-sensor systems henceforth.
Further internationalization forms the fourth pillar of the strategy for profitable growth. As a manufacturer of standard sensors and customer-specific solutions that are “made in Germany,” we work at strengthening our position in German-speaking regions as well as Europe. At the same time, additional sales potential is to be tapped by a targeted increase in First Sensor’s international presence, particularly in North America and Asia. We are doing this using a combination of regional sales teams and key account management, leading to an increase in sales revenues with key customers and key products in all our sales regions.
Operative Excellence
Operative Excellence
Operational excellence – our fifth strategic pillar for profitable growth – encompasses all measures aimed at improving our margin on a lasting basis. In general, this entails optimizing our product portfolio along with reducing fragmentation, enhancing processes, and introducing SAP.
In sales, we are working with new volume structure agreements and optimized pricing to increase the profit contributions of our products. We are also scaling back customer modifications for small-scale orders and orders with a low margin and high production costs in favor of increasing our added-value share through forward integration. In product development, we are also using a lean development approach to achieve the best design to cost for individual components in an attempt to improve our gross profit margin. Working with external development partners helps to make our cost structure more flexible.
In our production network, emphasis is placed on consolidating product lines at specialized locations. We focus our efforts on manufacturing high-margin products and are working continuously to enhance production capacity, optimize batch sizes, and introduce 6-inch production. In tandem, we are also preparing to outsource certain production steps. More efficient supply chains, shorter lead times, and quality measures to improve yield also help to generate greater profitability.
Please click on the graphics to learn more about our strategy.
The future has begun and we are shaping it with our innovations.
- Industrial
- Medical
- Mobility
Facts and
Growth & Profitability
( +5.2 % )
Target Markets
Sales in € Million
Sales in € Million
Financial Strength
Free Cashflow1
Net Debit1
Working Capital1
Net Profit2
Earnings per Share2
Dividend per Share3
1 in € million
2 in €
3 Subject to Annual General Meeting approval
R&D Employees (FTE)
R&D Quota in %
Patents & Licenses
R&D Employees (FTE)
R&D Quota in %
Patents & Licenses
Guidance 2019
Sales in € Million
Ebit Margin in %